Today we had a relaxing morning around the hostel followed by a busy day. We first went to Phoenix Mills, an upscale mall where we could not help but try Indian McDonald's for lunch. I had previously been promised that McDonald's here carried mutton burgers (because they don't eat beef of any kind) however this one had no such thing. Instead I had a fillet o' fish and a Chicken Maharaja Mac. The girls all had McVeggie Burgers, and everyone had normal fries and cokes. All of the sandwiches (other than my filet o' fish) had a distinct Indian taste which gave no inclinations of McDonald's. Also, there were at least twice as many people working there as would at an American McDonald's, two managers at the front, extra people in the back, a seperate dessert counter, someone at the trash can to take the trash, etc. This is common at all Indian stores and in Indian life in general. For every task there is a person with that job, doormen at every high-end store, more salesman than you would think you'd need who are more helpful than they need to be (as opposed to America where often times you can't get service to save your life). It is the Indian way I suppose. Here are some pictures from McDonald's:
The Girls with Ronald

The Indian McDonald's Menu

The Chicken Maharaja Mac
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