Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Orient Awaits

Ok, so after several hours more of traveling than I had planned for, a short stopover in the Bangkok (tee hee hee) airport and making the huge but honest mistake of taking a cab from the airport which is 75km from center Tokyo (whoops) and thus was way way WAY more than I wanted to pay, I have arrived safely in Japan. Anyways I'm too tired and too anxious to walk around the city to rewrite what I wrote during my layover in Bangkok so I'll just give it to you:

So here I sit, 6:45am Thai-Time in Bangkok. The flight was pretty nice, I ate food and watched a very cheezy Hindi movie called Victory about a cricketer (the english film was worse looking, a story about the guy who plays John Tucker in John Tucker must die falling in love with an Indian girl via phone from a call center) and slept straight through the last half of the flight literally right up to the time we taxied to the gate. Waking up in a sleepy confusion I went to the bathroom which I found oddly enough to be a single with a sliding door, at which point I noticed that my wallet was not in my pocket so I quickly ran back and got them to find it on the flight (phew!). Then when transferring a man at security checking my carry-on bags accidentally drooled into my bag a mistake that was embarrassing for him, gross for me and funny for both of us and I suppose could happen to any airline worker anywhere in the world later. I couldn't help but imagine an awkward white guy or one of the sassy, long-nailed black women who work in the DC airports doing the same thing and saying something like, "Oh I'm sorry shug!"

Hopefully I'll have the energy to do something fun tonight but I can make no promises. Regardless, in the morning I'll be hoppin' a train to Matsumoto where I'll be reuniting with everyone's favorite Engrish teacher. Expect lots of fun times from the both of us over the next 5 days.

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